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Our brand has had a facelift. What do you think?

26 May 2022

If you visit our website often, you’ll have noticed that it’s got a fresh new look and feel. We have just refreshed our brand, and we would love to know what you think of it. 

Tag us in a post on LinkedIn if you like it!

Why the brand refresh?

It’s been a while since we focused on our brand (since we usually dedicate all our time and resources to product development) and we felt that it was time to ensure that the brand is truly representative of our firm commitment to innovation and quality – especially as we ramp up in our mission to create world-class motion capture technology. 

We want to convey the intelligence, energy, and flexibility that we value as a team. And of course, we want to make sure that our company appeals to our target market of scientists, engineers, researchers, 3D animators, mocap studios, and broadcasters. 

By streamlining the logo design, modernizing our color palette, and adding new imagery, we have added new vitality and relevance to the brand.

Our website’s had a refresh, too

We have implemented the new brand across our corporate website and we’ve taken it a step further by taking the time to reassess the user journey and make changes to improve the site’s speed and functionality. We have also added new product photography to make it more engaging.

Take a look if you haven’t already: 

Watch this space for more updates and innovations

We’re working on a few new product and website developments that will help make our customers’ lives easier. Watch this space and LinkedIn and Twitter for more information!

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