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Animation & Gaming

Our experience at the Develop:Brighton Conference

04 Jan 2022

In Q4 2021, we had the privilege of attending an in-person conference again, and the opportunity to interact with an incredible group of animators. 

Develop:Brighton is an annual conference held for the gaming community that provides networking opportunities, a chance to learn from other developers in the industry, and insights into the latest trends in animation and gaming. The Covid-19 pandemic meant that the conference couldn’t happen in 2020, so we were delighted when we were given the opportunity to set up a face-to-face Motion Analysis exhibit at the conference. Naturally, we chose to showcase our latest brainchild – our suitless motion capture system, BaSix. 

The BaSix system pairs perfectly with the gaming industry as it has been specifically designed with animation studios, game developers, and previsualization in mind. Because it only requires the use of six active markers, and no suit, BaSix allows for an efficient setup to create high-quality 3D characters quickly and easily.

The conference provided the perfect platform for us to get feedback from developers and animators on what they thought about the BaSix system. We were delighted to hear that our research into a suitless system hit the mark in the industry and that many animators wanted to create their animation in-house, which is exactly what our lightweight mocap system allows them to do. 

Naturally, performance capture studios still play a big role in the animation industry – and we are fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with some incredible studios who utilize our software –  but not everyone can afford to hire out a large studio. We wanted to cater to those animators in the development of this product, by creating a system that allowed smaller animation studios to create motion capture themselves, rather than buying stock of motion capture data. For studios who are happy to use a lightweight option, and need the animation created quickly, purchasing the entire system of BaSix costs the same as buying only 8 hours worth of mocap data. 

And this better investment decision is exactly what the Develop:Brighton conference enabled us to communicate and explain. If you weren’t able to make it to the conference, but want to know whether the BaSix system is for you, we’ve created this helpful infographic to help you choose between BaSix and a traditional motion capture system.




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