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Our motion capture cameras offer compact design, high accuracy, and robust performance. All our camera models are “plug and play,” field upgradeable, and compatible with our other cameras.

Suitless mocap with rapid set up

This family of cameras offers a simple and robust design. They all work with our Active Marker Rigs (AMRs) along with our revolutionary Ikendo Character Skeleton. Subject setup can be completed in under a minute and the AMRs batteries last all day.

Each AMR is a self-contained unit, with no base station required. Recessed LEDs minimize damage and LEDs can be arranged in multiple configurations for unique props or multiple subjects.

The BaSix camera range:

From Base to Summit


Classic motion capture at its most advanced - You're ready for the Kestrel range.


The high point for active marker tracking. The Lhotse camera package allows you to have up to 36 cameras, and to upgrade all the way to classic specs whenever you need to.


The next step on your mocap journey, Icefall cameras are expandable (up to 24 cameras) and upgradable (all the way to classic specs). These cameras offer great  value and the ability to advance your setup as you like.


Start your journey with our entry-level camera for real time character animation. Offered as a 12 pack,  the BaseCam package offers incredible value for money.

The BaseCam package

Start your journey with our entry-level, active marker camera set for real-time character animation. This 12-pack offers incredible value for money and works with our BaSix Go software.

It includes 8 AMRs: 6 for human motion capture and 2 for props.

The Icefall package

Designed for the next step on your mocap journey, Icefall cameras are expandable and upgradeable. This package offers great value and the ability to advance your setup. Start with 12 add up to 12 more cameras over time.

You can have these cameras upgraded to work with passive markers if needed. Simply send them to us and we’ll carry out a hardware upgrade for you. These cameras work with our BaSix Go and Cortex software. When using Cortex they will also track our Firefly flexible active marker sets.

The Lhotse package

The high point for active marker tracking. This range offers great value and the ability to advance your setup by including up to 36 cameras to easily cover large volume and track even more people and objects.

Choose 8 (or more) AMRs or use our flexible Firefly active marker kit for drone and other industrial applications.

As with the Icefall package, you can have these cameras upgraded to work with passive markers if needed. Simply send them to us and we’ll carry out a hardware upgrade for you. These cameras work with our BaSix Go and Cortex software.

Ready for advanced motion capture?

If you’ve reached the summit, then you’re ready for our classic Kestrel range of premium motion capture cameras.

Select your camera package 

Whether you need basic motion capture or the most advanced, Motion Analysis has got the camera package you need. Our Basix camera range enables you to start off 'light' and expand and upgrade your cameras to effectively grow and tailor your mocap system over time.
Camera package System details No. of cameras Megapixels per camera Upgradable? Marker type Software


Our entry-level camera, this is the original BaSix system hardware for real-time character animation.

8 AMRs: Six for human motion capture plus two props, and more can be added. 12 only 0.4 active only BaSix Go


The next step on your mocap journey, Icefall cameras are expandable and upgradeable.

Choose 8 AMRs or optional Firefly flexible kits. Easily expands to large volume and more people or objects. 12 (up to 24) 0.4 Active Passive if upgraded BaSix Go Cortex optional


The high point for active marker tracking. It offers great value and the ability to advance your setup.

Choose 8+ AMRs or optional Firefly flexible kits. Easily cover large volume and even more people or objects. 12 (up to 36) 1.6 Active Passive if upgraded BaSix Go Cortex optional


Classic motion capture at its most advanced.

View our premium cameras

Introducing the Firefly active marker kit

Ideal for drones, robots and many other applications where a rigid body needs to be tracked, the Firefly active marker kit works with any MAC camera (except the BaseCam) and Cortex software.
Designed for industrial and engineering applications
Choose the number, position and orientation of the active markers
Use with Cortex software

The kit includes:

8 NIR LEDS (4 mounting points)
Driver board (2 mounting points)
3.7V rechargeable battery (USB chargeable) removable to save weight if power available
Three-way switch 6/8/off removable to save weight

Kestrel Plus: Premium cameras for advanced mocap

The Kestrel Plus range consists of four cameras, with varying frame rates and resolution. These cameras offer compact design, high accuracy and robust performance. They’re all “plug and play”, field upgradable, and compatible with most of our other cameras.

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