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James Karageorgiou’s secret to success as the Motion Analysis Sales Manager

09 Dec 2020

Typically when you think of anyone in sales, you may conjure up one of two examples. Either you’re receiving a phone call from someone monotonously rattling off the benefits of a new product, to the point where they sound like they wouldn’t even buy the product themselves, or you’re listening to an over-the-top excited person, who is trying to make funeral cover sound like it’s the birthday gift you’ve always wanted. 

Well, James Karageorgiou, our new Sales Manager from Louisville, Kentucky, has a different approach in mind. For him, sales should involve consistency, good communication, follow-up, and bringing a more authentic element to the relationship between him and his clients.

“People want to be treated like people.” says James. “If you can connect with your clients on a human level, and maintain professionalism, success stories start to pile up, not as a result of “sales tactics” but rather as a result of being genuine, transparent, listening well, serving others, and treating others well.”

James’s number one priority as a Sales Manager is understanding what his clients’ immediate needs and goals are so that he can offer them the best customer service. A process he believes starts with the simple act of listening.

“The most important aspect of my job is listening to our clients. Once I can paint a detailed picture of what my clients are trying to accomplish, we can then transition towards the consultation phase; where I apply the tools, resources, and solutions we offer, to meet clients’ needs and goals. Motion Capture applications are not a “one size fits all” solution. My job during the consultative process is to ensure the client is getting exactly what they need in order to accomplish their goals.”

James, an outdoorsy sportsman with a love for everything from cooking and photography to hunting and playing video games, joined Motion Analysis in the midst of a global pandemic and a newly-transitioned remote working environment. And, despite having arrived at the company during such a tumultuous time, James has loved his interactions with the Motion Analysis team.

It’s such a positive and productive environment, and it’s always great to work in an industry that involves all of your favorite things: tech, animation, sports, science, research, and imaging! 

One lesson I’ve learned from the pandemic is that, behind every unforeseen circumstance, lies the opportunity for growth. You experience growth as a result of the courage required to push yourself incrementally to new levels, and I’m grateful to work at a company that makes room for that growth to happen.” 


This is the second in our “Meet the Team” series, introducing you to all the incredible people who make up the Motion Analysis family. 

Here’s another article you might enjoy: From intern to VP: Two decades of experience at Motion Analysis 

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