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Powerful yet cost-effective tracking

This innovative active marker kit for rigid objects is fully customizable, with a lightweight frame, optional on/off switch, near-infra-red emitters for motion tracking, removable LED mounts and rechargeable battery.

Designed for industrial and engineering applications, the Firefly offers Six Degrees of Freedom tracking. 

Available as a ready-to-use kit

8 NIR LEDS (4 mounting points)
Driver boards (2 mounting points)
3.7v removable and rechargeable battery
Three way switch 6/8/off (removable)
Choose the number, position and orientation of active markers

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    Kestrel Plus: Premium cameras for advanced mocap

    The Kestrel Plus range consists of four cameras, with varying frame rates and resolution. These cameras offer compact design, high accuracy and robust performance. They’re all “plug and play”, field upgradable, and compatible with most of our other cameras.
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